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The Unaffiliated

November 16, 2022

They came to rescue the innocent.

The wild, wild west came to mind as I wrote this.
That can only mean... politics.

There's something about political parties that doesn't sit well with me.
When a person claims affiliation with a party... democrat, republican, etc.
that person also is affiliating himself with the agendas and claims of it.
Can a person ever say, "I agree with about half of their agenda" ?
and still feel honest about supporting the "Party"?
or does that person just compromise on those disagreements
because there is ONE policy he/she finds appealing?
Seems to me... people aren't really being represented properly.

Even the leaders of the parties differ from each other.
When the leadership meets to decide their policies...
they will adopt some ideas... discard others.
One might speculate about the determining factors.

BUT... if a THIRD party forms to address important issues
it tends to draw members from a major party one might prefer.
What to do... what to do... to cure this mess in our politics...?
Perhaps we should totally outlaw political parties.
Let candidates form their own policies... their own solutions.
Let candidates draw interest from the full population.
Let candidates raise money for their own campaigns.
No one gets to ride on the tails of the large group agenda.
No one has to bend the knee to any "leader" of a party.

Political offices should be filled by independent candidates
who make their own calls...
who owe no one anything but by their own doing...
who remain unaffiliated...
and are free to follow their own best judgment.

It would make politics like the wild, wild west
but it would be more honest.

Maybe the states could adopt a designation for no party
and call it "unaffiliated" on the registration and ballots
and in the primaries (primaries which we all have to pay for)
the "unaffiliated"candidates would compete amongst each other.
If there are strong candidates among them...
then they all get put on the ballots for a vote.
This allows "dark horses" to emerge independently.

The two-party system just takes our money...
and does what it wants with it.
People should be able to donate to a cause they believe in...
not a cause some political cabal believes in.

When our elections are finally properly executed and true
we won't need term limits to cure a problem.
Term limits would be used to cut short projects by opponents.
If no desirable candidates emerge, it forces retirement of a good one.
Senators of a state can help their congressmen navigate legal issues.
The power of recall should be in a state's legislatures
based on a set of standards set down by law.
This would protect the people from a fraudulent candidate.

The coming season looks to be very exciting to watch.
Heros abound in our country.

No one likes the bad guys. No one.

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