Essays Contents


January 21, 2023

"And when you stop to think about it, it's pretty extraordinary... that we select group of human beings... because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet. I mean, it's so... almost extra-terrestrial... to think about... quote "saving the planet"... If you said that to most people, most people... they think you're just a tree-hugging leftie liberal... you know, do-gooder, whatever... and there's no relationship. But really, that's where we are."

Is this diplomat speak for...
"there is no relationship whatsoever
to tree-hugging do-gooder "lefties"
and what the Davos group is doing. ???"

... because THAT would be the truth!

The only "social movement" going on amongst these folks
is absolute madness... chaos... and pure stupidity.
I would compare it to rape... as opposed to courtship.
I would call it "despisal of humanity" not "love of it."
Humankind is not a flock of sheep...
for a bunch of elitists to manhandle at will...
and these globalists are... as sure as hell... no shepherds.

I named this essay "Honor" because I had it in mind to put the words down about my thoughts on...
what keeps human beings from killing each other...
what allows society to function in an orderly manner...
what allows the process of business and even whole nations...
to function happily from one day to the next...
because... I'm thinking it all comes down to... honor.

The swearing of an oath to tell the truth... "so help me God"...
is really the putting of one's HONOR on the line...
where one's honorable word...
that trust between one person and another...
is being laid on the line...
by what one says under oath.
If that trust is broken... that oath broken...
how could they ever again be believed?

Honor... is what makes the world... civilized...
and we must keep a strong grasp on our peace and order.

If we are to ever end war on this earth...
if we want peace in this world...
we must begin with... honor.

Essays Contents
